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Single Plate Bill for Ohio Component Car Owners
Replica car owners in Ohio could catch a break from state license plate laws thanks to a new bill. House Bill 188 aims to create a single license plate option for owners of “specialty kit cars” where a payment of $150 allows the owner to display a rear license plate only. Ohio is one of 26 states that currently requires both front and rear license plates on all vehicles. Front license plates can be unsightly and difficult to mount on replica vehicles and the new bill could represent a compromise between car owners and law enforcement, as the bill directs these payments to the Law Enforcement Assistance Fund. It’s important to note that the bill defines “specialty kit car” as “a motor vehicle that is assembled by the purchaser or a third party from a set of parts that are produced and sold by a manufacturer,” so the bill would have a limited application if passed.
The bill will be considered by the House Transportation and Public Safety Committee.
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