2020 London Cobra Show Canceled
**The following update was released by the Ohio Cobra Club regarding the 2020 London Cobra Show, scheduled for June 27.**
Each year the Ohio Cobra Club sponsors the London Cobra Show in London, Ohio. The show also includes a Cobra Raffle with the show/raffle’s net proceeds donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) and designated for research. Past donations of $1,433,000 have, in part, helped the CFF fund the development of and FDA approval of Kalydeco in 2012, Orkambi in 2015, Symdeko in 2018, and Trikafta in 2019.
This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the club’s desire to keep everyone safe, the London Cobra Show has been canceled.
Even though the London Cobra Show has been canceled, the Cobra raffle will still go forward on June 27th. As the show’s cancelation will greatly affect this year’s donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, are you willing to help out and TAKE A CHANCE on winning a Cobra as well as help in the FUNDING of innovative RESEARCH working to discover and develop new and effective CF therapies?
To take a chance on winning a Cobra, please go to londoncobrashow.com/tickets.
With your help, you can be confident that, one day those living with Cystic Fibrosis today will be able to say, “I used to have CF.”
After the drawing, the lucky winner will be notified by phone and a donation check to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation will be shown live on the London Cobra Show’s Facebook page on June 27th. Please check the Facebook page a day or so before the drawing date to see what time the drawing will be conducted.
To learn more about the London Cobra Show and Cobra Raffle please visit londoncobrashow.com.
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