RCN Mag May 2021 Photo Contest Winners
CONGRATULATIONS to reader Dick R. from Michigan for taking home the top award in RCN's May Photo Contest. Dick submitted a beautiful photo of his 1969 De Tomaso Mangusta which is a very unique ride, as Dick contributed to his submission:
"The only Mangusta built at the factory with a Corvette engine. Featured in the book, BELLA MANGUSTA, The Italian Art and Design of the De Tomaso Mangusta."
Rounding out the top three vote getters were Ed’s 3/4-scale ’32 roadster and Bob’s 1946 Cisitalia D46.

Now we’re on to the June contest which features a solid line up including a spec Miata, an interesting luxury car, a McLaren Senna and a Fiero V8 Archie wide body.
Please check out your fellow reader’s rides and vote! While you’re at it submit a pic of your own ride. If you’re anything like us then we know you have plenty to choose from.
Cast a vote for your favorite here and you can also submit your own ride for our next round of voting here. Winners may be contacted about their vehicle being featured rcnmag.com.
Best of luck to future contestants and thank you to those that vote!
RCN Team
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